Vitiligo is known to be an autoimmune condition, in which several genes of the immune response are believed to be involved. Therefore, their results may not always be encouraging, although there are various treatments to improve the appearance of your affected skin. If the affected skin patches are relatively small, you can use camouflage cream to cover them up. Depending on the mode chosen for the medication regimen (Allopathy, Homeopathy, or Ayurveda), the results could be different. In general, combination treatments, such as light therapy (light therapy) and medication, give the best results
Thinking Vitiligo Patients. Will this vitiligo be permanent? “This is the most common question among Vitiligo patients and their relatives. Just thinking about whether Vitiligo has permanent effects or not scares us a lot. So, can Vitiligo be treated effectively without any side effects? Yes, we can definitely treat Vitiligo without any side effects with homeopathy Learn everything by reading this post below.
Today, everyone is well aware of ‘Vitiligo’ or, in other words, ‘Leucoderma’. Vitiligo is a disease that causes loss of skin color in spots. Usually, hair color and skin color are determined by melanin. When the cells responsible for producing melanin die or stop working, Vitiligo occurs. Vitiligo can affect the skin on any part of the body. The extent of this skin condition and the rate of color loss due to Vitiligo cannot be predicted. Vitiligo is of particular importance for patients in our country because skin pigmentation is evident on dark complexion and the combination of individual, family and community responses to Vitiligo places a great burden on Indian patients with this disease. Often times, vitiligo patients experience embarrassment when they are social due to hypopigmented skin
In some cases, conventional treatment may help restore pigment (color) in your spots but the effect usually does not last and may have various side effects. These treatments cannot prevent the condition from spreading. In Ayurveda, Vitiligo is managed with cleansing treatments using herbal medicines that aim to stimulate the cleansing and calming of unbalanced body energies. Also, many medicinal oil preparations, which contain psoralen to stimulate melanocytes when exposed to ultraviolet light, are used to treat Vitiligo