Autism (or autism) is one of the disorders of a group of developmental disorders called in medical language “Autism Spectrum Disorders – ASD ” that appears in infancy, before the child reaches the age of three years, most likely.
Although the severity and symptoms of autism differ from one case to another, all autism disorders affect the child’s ability to communicate with those around him and develop mutual relationships with them.
Estimates show that 6 out of every 1,000 children in the United States have autism and that the number of diagnosed cases of this disorder is constantly increasing.
It is not known, until now, whether this increase is a result of better detection and reporting of cases, or is it an actual and real increase in the number of people with autism, or the result of these two factors together.
Although there is no cure for autism, yet, intensive and early treatment, as much as possible, can make a significant and serious change in the lives of children with this disorder