Dr MSR Homeopathy - Dr. Madduri Sudhakar Reddy

The Dr MSR Homeopathy is a private outpatient Homeopathy medical center specializing in the care of all Health Problems. Our team strive to offer a Indian-style standard of care.

Homeopathy is a distinct medical specialty being practiced across the world. It is a Recognized medical system in India Through the “HOMEOPATHY CENTRAL COUNCIL ACT 1973”

The System has blended well into the ethos and traditions of the country that it has been recognized as one of the National System of Medicine.

The System was propounded by a German Physician Dr. Christain Friedrich Samuel Hahnemann (10th April 1755 – 2nd July, 1843)

The Main Principle of Homeopathy is

  • Similia Similibus Curenter (Like be Treated with Likes)
  • Individualisation – A Holistic Approach on health disease and treatment by taking into consideration of the sick Individual at physical, mental, social and spritual levels.

Dr. Madduri Sudhakar Reddy – A Veteran Homeopath, Practicing constitutional Homeopathy since 1999.

His Expertise in treating chronic Disorders like endoerine disorders, skin aliments, Respiratory aliments, Psychosomatic disorders like anxiety, depression, Migrane etc., He has Successfully treated many patients in this 23 years of clinical practice.

Dr. Madduri Sudhakar Reddy